It may seem at first that counseling via the internet over Skype is not something of value, or that it could work at all. Just because we are not siting in the same room, face to face, for a counseling session, does not make counseling via Skype ineffective. In face the opposite is true. Lets list some of the ways we try and get help with life situations, where we get little to no personal attention.
1. TV (Oprah, Dr. Phil, TBN...)
2. BOOKS (Self help, escape, fantasy, Bible...)
3. FRIENDS (Neighbor, Close friend, Bible study, Pastor...)
4. CHURCH (sermons, small talk, Pastor, volunteering...)
These are just some areas that we turn to, in order help with a problem. We all know there are limitations to all of these areas. While some are great, (Bible, Church, Pastor) we will have to admit, there are great limitations even with these.
a. Bible- We don't understand how it applies to our situation.
b. Church- We get lost in the crowed and can't get connected with people we can trust.
c. Pastor- Pastors are busy people, and frankly a lot of pastors have poor people skills. We may love them for how they have helped us grow spiritually, but not all have the skills to counsel.
Lets face it, as much as we like our TV shows, they do not get to the root of our problem. You need someone to listen to you. Your friend may listen to you, but bad advice is ramped. Friends will tell you what you want to hear, not what you need to grow.
Yes, counseling cost money, but for the cost of a few sessions, you can gain a perspective from a trained person that only wants to open your mind to what is real and true.
OK, AS PROMISED, about me. My name is Todd Ledbetter, I have a Bachelor degree in Ministry and a Masters in Theology (Th.M),with an emphasis on Biblical Counseling. I am a certified Biblical Counselor and Licensed Pastoral Counselor (LpastC.), this means I have been trained. For me training is just a part of what makes a good counselor. Most great counselors are naturally good with people, can listen well, can cut through the emotions, and get to the root of the matter. I can help you with a plan or even a new perspective.
Here is the rub. You have to be ready to change. We tend to think that our problems come from other people and situations and not from ourselves. Well Maybe, but not likely. We get stuck, blinded and just plain tired. I am not a medical doctor, Psychiatrist or a Psychologist. Although I am working on my Doctoral degree in Theology. I can help you with my training and natural abilities. If you have the desire to change, without medication or psyco-babble, please Skype or call me. If you would like to talk about how I can help, you can reach me here. 805 229-1463, Skype contact (toddledbetter).
Love Redefined,